
From Tijuana to San Francisco: My artistic journey

From the streets of Tijuana to the cultural crossroads of San Francisco, my journey as an artist has been one of constant exploration and growth. Educated in both Mexico and Spain, I hold a Master’s degree in Film Direction, complementing my background in Communication and Digital Media. My work is a fusion of these experiences, blending traditional and modern elements to challenge perceptions and inspire new ways of thinking.

My Story

My journey as an artist began in childhood, where early recognition in literary contests fueled my passion for creativity. These experiences, along with the challenges I’ve faced, have shaped my current mission to help others unlock their creative potential through my Alquimia Creativa method.

My Mission

I firmly believe that art has the power to liberate our spirits, and I am committed to fighting for everyone’s freedom to follow their heart in life, creative paths, and beyond borders.